Constructed for corrosive environments
Designed for smaller cameras
Meets IP67 standards
All 316 stainless steel construction
Available in various barrel lengths
Comes standard with glass or acrylic viewport
Comes with two IP68 rated cord grips

The 25R enclosure is a compact, high performance enclosure for your small camera. It is constructed completely of 316 stainless steel for maximum corrosion resistance.
The 25R enclosure is provided with two IP68 rated cord grips capable of handling cable diameters of 3mm to 7mm. Cord grips capable of handling 5mm to 10mm are also available at no extra cost. The enclosure design allows complete access to the camera and lens when the barrel is removed. All camera and lens adjustments can be made after the camera is mounted, taking the guesswork out of focus and f-stop settings.
The 25R enclosure is available in a variety of standard barrel lengths from 6″ to 13″. Barrel extensions and custom barrel lengths are also available.
The enclosure is available with either a glass or acrylic viewport.
Enclosure is constructed of 316 stainless steel. All fasteners and clinch nuts are 316 stainless steel. Fasteners to mount your camera are included. Interior size: 2.3″ diameter. Barrel length can be specified.
NOTE: The construction of this enclosure does not meet standards for food applications. Weight: 1.8 lb. (with 4.5″ barrel and glass viewport) (25R-DB)
Weight: 2.0 lb. (with 7.0″ barrel and acrylic viewport) (25R-AG)